Here’s What Happened When I Used 1st Phorm Opti Greens 50 for 3 Months

It seems like every time I go online, I’m instantly hit with ads about the new trendy supplement. First it was protein powder, then collagen and now lately I’ve been getting a ton of ads for green powders.

And of course once you interact with the ads, you constantly keep getting them.

I have to admit that greens is one that did intrigue me the most. I’m very honest about the fact that I don’t get in enough vegetables each day so the promise of one greens drink that could help me get in my servings…well, it’s intriguing.

I’ve now tried a few different greens powders and in this blog post I’m sharing my experience with 1st Phorm’s Opti-greens powder. 

Let’s get started!

Short on time? Here’s the tl;dr

  • I’ve been taking Opti Greens for 3 months and have noticed I am less bloated, especially after days when I go off track with my eating.
  • The taste is …earthy. If you’re like me and that’s not your style, you’ll need to add this into something that tastes good or mix into a smoothie (or just chug it). My go to is a packet of Tru Lemon or Crystal Light.
  • Easily mixes with anything. I use a frother and after a few seconds it mixes right into my Tru Lemon drink
  • Opti Greens can be purchased on 1st Phorm’s website starting at $37 a bag
front of opti greens 50 bag

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What are 1st Phorm Opti-Greens 50?

1st Phorm Opti-Greens are 1st Phorm’s greens powder supplements. It’s a powder that’s made up of 50 different ingredients including fruits, veggies and grasses that have been proven to improve health, assist with digestion, and help with overall gut health.

Ok…Does it Actually Work?

Let’s cut to the chase and does Opti Greens actually work?

I’ve been using Opti Greens as part of my supplement routine for a few months now and have noticed that I’m a lot less bloated. I’m not normally really bloated every day, but on the days that I get away from my regular nutrition routine I usually am a little more bloated and uncomfortable the next day. Not the case since I’ve started Opti Greens.

back of bag nutritional information for opti greens

I’ve also noticed that I’m less likely to catch all the colds my kids are bringing home. Lately they’ve been coming home with a lot of stomach bugs and nastiness from daycare, but so far I’ve been fortunate enough to not catch any of it since starting Opti Greens, which is reason alone for me to continue on taking it.

I do think it takes a few weeks for it to start working, so if you’re looking for a quick fix for gut health and digestion issues this won’t be it (just like I don’t think a lot of green powders are that fast acting). 

Our Pick
1st Phorm Opti Greens 50
  • Opti-Greens 50 is an immune-supporting greens powder that helps build a strong immune system and improve overall health.
  • It contains 50 hand-chosen, gluten-free, alkalizing ingredients to maximize nutrient intake.
  • The blend includes organic grasses, non-GMO botanical superfoods, phytonutrients, digestive enzymes, and probiotics, making it a complete greens powder.
  • Opti-Greens 50 supports digestion, gut health, glycemic response, and provides a smooth boost of energy.

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The Taste

The only downside to Opti Greens is the taste, like almost all other greens on the market. The taste is really earthy and natural tasting. It does say it’s flavored like mixed berry but I haven’t really gotten that flavor from it.

inside a bag of opti greens powder

The only decent tasting greens I’ve come across has been Athletic Greens, but I decided to stop using them because it was way too expensive to buy each month (it’s almost 3x the price of 1st Phorm).

I also really like the 1st Phorm brand and their high quality products.

scoop of opti greens in a glass with water

To get over the taste, I’ve found that an easy trick is to add Opti Greens into something else. Some of my friends will mix together Opti Reds and drink that, but I enjoy Opti Reds on it’s own so mix in a packet of Tru Lemon or Crystal Light instead. The flavoring from the packets completely override the earthy taste of the Opti Greens and make it so much more enjoyable!

frother mixing together opti greens in a glass

Related Post: 1st Phorm Opti Greens vs. Opti Reds: Which is Right for You?

When to Drink

There’s no right or wrong time to drink Opti Greens. I used to drink mine in the morning, but have switched to drinking it at night to help curb snacking. I’ve been doing this for a few months and it does seem to be helping!

opti greens mixed with water in a glass

Where to Buy

Opti Greens can be purchased directly from 1st Phorm on their website here.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I recommend 1st Phorm Opti Greens to anyone that wants to try a greens powder or looking to improve their health. 1st Phorm is inexpensive compared to other greens on the market, and does seem to be working great for me. I’ve noticed less boating, more energy and I’ve been getting less sick since I’ve added it into my routine.

All in all, 1st Phorm Opti Greens is a great choice for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Related Post: Are 1st Phorm Protein Powders Worth It?


  • Ali Van Straten

    Ali Van Straten is the founder and journalist of Champagne and Coffee Stains. She is a Peloton expert, certified running coach and certified nutrition coach. Champagne and Coffee Stains provides information and resources on Peloton Interactive, running and recipes.

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