Make Sure You Do This Before Your Next Peloton Outdoor Run
It’s finally starting to warm up here in Minnesota and it’s making me itch to start taking my runs outside.
While I love my Peloton tread, there really just isn’t anything that can compare to a run outside in the warm sun.
However, before you get running outside there’s one setting you want to check in the Peloton App.
When you go running outside with the Peloton app it’ll actually display the running route you take – and depending on your settings, might be displaying it publicly.
If this is your first Peloton outdoor run it’ll actually be set to sharing automatically!
Thankfully, there’s an easy fix!
In this post, I’ll share with you how to hide your running route in the Peloton app.

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How to Hide Running Route
When you go running for the first time the app will default to displaying your running route in the app.
This means that your friends on the leaderboard (or possibly, anyone) that knows your leaderboard name can see exactly where you ran.
Thankfully, it’s easy to hide this info and once you have the setting enabled all your outdoor running routes will be private and only you’ll be able to see them.
Here’s how to hide them:
In the Peloton App, click on the bottom right section that says “More”

Click on the “Preference” Option

Scroll down a bit and you’ll see an option that says “Hide Running Route”. Swipe this and it’ll turn red to let you know it’s enabled.

And that’s it! Once you have your running routes to private the setting will save and all past and future routes will be hidden.
If you change your mind, you can always go back and change the option.
One thing to note – this setting only adjusts the privacy for the Peloton App.
If you’re connected to other apps, like Stava or Garmin, you’ll need to adjust those privacy settings in those apps.
Prefer video? Here’s a quick video on how to hide your running route:
Related Post: How to Train for a Race with Peloton
Final Thoughts
That’s all you need to do to make sure your outdoor running routes are hidden in the app.
Just remember that if you ever want to see them again or share them with someone, you can always go back and disable this setting.
Do you have any other tips for staying safe while running outdoors? Share them in the comments below!
New to Running with Peloton Outdoors? Be sure to check out my full guide here!