The Ultimate Guide to Peloton Facebook Groups
Let’s be honest- working out at home can sometimes be a little lonely. When I used to work out my Orangetheory studio, I used to love the community aspect of it and found that it helped motivate me to stay on track. From working out with other people to group challenges – there was always something that kept me motivated!
When I started working out at home last year with Peloton I quickly searched for some groups to join to meet other fans and was pleasantly surprised to see that there were so many groups to choose from! From Instructor fan groups to Peloton hobby and interest groups, there seems to be a group for everyone.
Here’s a complete list of instructor fan groups, as well as some official Peloton Facebook groups, and some not-so-official but still super fun groups.
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Why Join a Peloton Facebook Group?
I love joining Peloton fan Facebook groups because it makes me feel connected to the community. I’ve been a member of the You Get to Crew (Jess Sim’s fan group) and have met some great Pelo-friends through it!
I also love sharing my journey with other Peloton users. It’s nice to have the support and encouragement from a like-minded community, who also want to take part in challenges etc. For example, last year we had an unofficial “Tribe War” between all the different groups that was so fun to participate in!
Instructor Fan Groups
Each Instructor has their own Facebook group where fans can connect. Here’s a list of each Facebook group for instructors:
Aditi Shah
- Facebook Group: Aditi’s Warriors
- Hashtag: #AditisWarriors
Adrian Williams
- Facebook Group: Adrian William’s Thunder Squad
- Hashtag: #ThunderSquad
Anna Greenberg
- Facebook Group: Unknown
- Hashtag: Unknown
Alex Toussant
- Facebook Group: Feel Good Fam
- Hashtag: #FeelGoodFam
Ally Love
- Facebook Group: Love Squad
- Hashtag: #LoveSquad
Andy Speer
- Facebook Group: Andy’s Speerheads
- Hashtag: #SpeerHead
Becs Gentry
- Facebook Group: Becs’ Beasts
- Hashtag: #BecsBeasts
Ben Alldis
- Facebook Group: Ben’s Peloton Army
- Hashtag: #BensArmy
Bradley Rose
- Facebook Group: Bradley Rose’s Rebels
- Hashtag: #RoseRebels
Callie Gulickson
- Facebook Group: Callie’sKillaCrew
- Hashtag: #CalliesKillaCrew
Chase Tucker
- Facebook Group: Chase’s Wolf Pack
- Hashtag: #ChasesWolfPack
Cliff Dwenger
- Facebook Group: Cliff Dwenger’s Cliff Hangerz
- Hashtag: #CliffHangerz
Christine D’Ercole
- Facebook Group: The CDE Project
- Hashtag: #IAmICanIWillIDo
Cody Rigsby
- Facebook Group: #BooCrew
- Hashtag: #BooCrew
Daniel McKenna
- Facebook Group: Daniel’s Irish Yanks
- Hashtag: #IrishYanks
Denis Morton
- Facebook Group: Denis’s Menaces
- Hashtag: #DenisMenaces
Emma Lovewell
- Facebook Group: Team Lovewell
- Hashtag: #TeamLovewell
Hannah Corbin
- Facebook Group: Unknown
- Hashtag: #TeamHannahCorbin
Hannah Frankenson
- Facebook Group: Hannah’s Push Push Crew
- Hashtag: #PushPushCrew
Jenn Sherman
- Facebook Group: JSS Tribe
- Hashtag: #JSSTribe
Jess Sims
- Facebook Group: You Get to Crew
- Hashtag: #YouGetToCrew
Jess King
- Facebook Group: Jess King’s Collective
- Hashtag: #JessKingCollective
Kendall Toole
- Facebook Group: Kendall Toole’s Knockouts
- Hashtag: #TeamKendall
Kirsten Ferguson
- Facebook Group: Kween K’s Peloton Clique
- Hashtag: #KweenKClique
Kristin McGee
- Facebook Group: Unknown
- Hashtag: #McGeesYogis
Leanne Hainsby
- Facebook Group: Leanne’s Yes to You Crew
- Hashtag: #YesToYouCrew
Marcel Dinkins
- Facebook Group: Marcel Dinkins Peloton Fan Group
- Hashtag: #MarcelsArmy
Matt Wilpers
- Facebook Group: Matt’s Maniacs
- Hashtag: #TeamWilpers
Matty Maggiacomo
- Facebook Group: Matty’s Maggic Makers
- Hashtag: #MaggicMakers
Olivia Amato
- Facebook Group: Olivia’s Team
- Hashtag: #OliviasTeam
Rad Lopez
- Facebook Group: Rad Lopez Fan Page
- Hashtag: #TheRadOnes
Rebecca Kennedy
- Facebook Group: Unknown
- Hashtag: #RKSolidCrew
Robin Arzon
- Facebook Group: Unknown
- Hashtag: #RobinsWolfPack
Sam Yo
- Facebook Group: Yes Yo for Sam Yo
- Hashtag: #YesYo
Selena Samuela
- Facebook Group: Selena’s Squad
- Hashtag: #SelenasSquad
Tunde Oyeneyin
- Facebook Group: Team Tunde
- Hashtag: #TeamTunde
Peloton Related Groups
Peloton Nutriton
This is a great group to talk about nutrition and learn about different diets.
Official Peloton Members Group
I’ll be honest – I have a love/hate relationship with this group. This is an officially run Peloton group but it doesn’t really seem like it’s moderated so there are quite a bit of snarky and rude comments that get through. This group is a huge so if you have a question you’ll definitely get it answered, but prepare for possibly some rude responses.
Official Peloton Moms
This group is another official group by Peloton that is a good resource to not only talk about Peloton, but also mom things.
Peloton Tread
Just like the name says, this group is for all things Peloton Treadmill.
Hardcore on the Floor
This is my all-time favorite group for strength training. Each month they release a free workout calendar that features “Stacks” (or groups) of workouts to do together, as well as ride or cardio pairings.
Related Post: March Hardcore on the Floor Review
Peloton Preggos + Postpartum
This is a great group to connect with other #Pelopreggos and learn about pregnancy and postpartum modifications.
Related Post: My 2nd Trimester Peloton Plans and Modifications
Final Thoughts
Peloton Facebook groups are a great way to connect to the Peloton community and can help keep you motivated on your fitness goals!
Is there a group I should add to this post? Let me know if the comments!
Camila Ramon
Insta: @lamilamafia