Peloton Hardcore on the Floor Ultimate Guide
When I first got my Peloton bike I instantly became hooked on riding! I would do a 45-60 minute ride a day – at least!
But I knew I needed to balance out all the cardio I was doing with more strength work. I’ve quickly learned over the years that I need to do strength workouts in order to keep myself injury-free and to improve my performance.
One of my friends suggested I look into the Peloton Hardcore on the Floor program and I’ve been hooked ever since!
In this blog post, I’ll share with you all the details of the program, how to join, and my experience with the monthly calendar.
Please note I’m not affiliated with Hardcore on the Floor or the creators at all – I’m just a fan of the program! Always check with your doctor before starting any kind of new fitness program.

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What is Hardcore on the Floor?
Hardcore on the Floor is an unofficial Peloton group that provides monthly workouts (or “stacks”) that combine cardio and strength training.
Each day is a different themed day (arm day, leg day, etc.) and the calendar provides suggested classes to do.
The calendar also provides recommended cardio workouts to do before the stacks, like a 20 minute HIIT ride or 30-minute low-impact ride.
The calendar is completely optional and can be tweaked to fit your schedule – you can do as much or as little of the calendar as you want, or swap out workouts.
There really is no wrong way to do the calendar!
The calendar is put together by a personal trainer, Nicole, and released at the beginning of each month.
Participating in Hardcore on the Floor is completely free!
Equipment Needed
To do the program, you’ll need the same equipment you’d need to do the strength classes and whatever cardio you choose. I recommend:
Free Weights (usually a light, medium and heavy set – the instructor will let you know before class what weights you’ll need)
Resistance Bands
Yoga mat
Yoga Blocks
Water Bottle
For the cardio part, it’s up to you what you do. Before each class, there’s a recommended type of workout to do – like a 20-30 minute HIIT ride, or 20-30 low impact.
You can choose to do that on the Peloton bike, do a running workout, or do one of the cardio workouts.
Related Post: Best Weights for Peloton (and 1 to Avoid)
It’s not required, but I do also recommend a weight bench like this Reebok Deck as well, especially if you’re pregnant like me doing this program.
I’ve found that the elevated bench can help with some of the movements.
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How to Join
Joining the monthly calendar is easy and free to do! All you need to do is either join the Facebook group here or follow the Hardcore on the Floor Instagram account.
In the Facebook group, you’ll get access to the PDF schedule so you can get all the monthly workouts at once.
On Instagram, they’ll only post the daily workout.
Workout Format
The workout is formatted where each day you’ll have a recommended type or ride to do and then a set of workouts – or “stacks”. The stacks are generally 3 classes:
Core Workout (10 minutes)
10-20 minute strength workout
10-20 minute strength workout
The 2 strength workouts each day are themed around what type of day it is (like arms, legs, etc.) and they’re paired perfectly together – I have no idea how the admins do it, but they choose workouts that perfectly build off each other.
How to Find the Monthly Calendar
Each month the admins of the Facebook group will post the monthly calendar at the top of the group to download. They usually post this on the first of the month (sometimes earlier sometimes later), so don’t worry if you can’t find it instantly.
Nicole works extremely hard on the calendar and does not like it to be shared outside the Facebook group or Instagram account, which is why I don’t share screenshots or links to the PDF on this blog.
Hardcore on the Floor While Pregnant
I participated in Hardcore on the Floor for a few months while I was pregnant and was so happy I did! I like the structure the schedule gives me because, without it, I’d more than likely only stick to doing cardio.
For the first half of my pregnancy, I pretty much stuck to the provided schedule and did all the rides and classes as they were scheduled.
The only exception was core- I started swapping out the core workouts for prenatal core instead.
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As I got further along and my baby bump started popping, I would continue doing my core substations but would also sub in a few of the strength prenatal workouts.
I liked adding these in because I knew these were all pregnancy-safe moves and I could learn them and then substitute them into regular classes if there was a move that I wasn’t comfortable with.
Towards the end of my pregnancy, I stopped following the calendar and focused on just staying active with either running (or waddling, in my case) and cycling.
I found that for every minute I’d workout I’d have to take 2-3 to recover afterward so I drastically reduced the amount of active workout time.
Once I’m cleared to work out again, I’m definitely going to be jumping back into the calendar!
Hardcore on the Floor Review
I absolutely love Hardcore on the Floor and am so thankful for the group. The workouts at first were intimidating to me, but once I jumped in and started doing them I really appreciated it.
I found the workouts to be perfectly balanced and they built off each other. I also like that the workouts feature all instructors so I could get a feel for instructors I don’t usually do workouts with (and I’ve quickly learned how much I love Selena’s strength classes!).
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Hardcore on the Floor Results
While I don’t have any weight loss results (yet at least) from Hardcore on the Floor since I got pregnant when I started it, I have noticed that my running and stamina has improved and I even was able to run a 5K at 30 weeks pregnant in 33 minutes!
The official group hashtag is #HardcoreOnTheFloor, but there are a few others being used as well:
Related Post: Everything You Need to Know About Peloton Hashtags
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for the ultimate Peloton workout program, I highly recommend checking out Hardcore on the Floor.
The workouts are perfect for all levels and are a great way to get in a balanced workout.
Want to join? Click here to join the free Facebook group.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I Need a Peloton Bike or Tread to Participate?
No you don’t need any Peloton equipment to participate! The only thing you need is access to the Peloton workouts and a set of weights.
How Long are the Workouts?
The workouts can range in length from 40 minutes to an hour and 10 minutes, but it really depends on you.
Each day, there’s a suggested ride or run that can be 20-30 minutes and then 3 recommended classes: a 10-minute core, and 2 10-20 minute strength classes.
It’s up to you if you do them all or just a few of them.
Do I Need to Do Every Workout?
No, you can do as many or as few workouts as you’d like. The workout calendar is a recommended calendar of which workouts to do each day but it’s up to you how many you do.
Some people do the entire workout and some people only do a few
Who Created Hardcore on the Floor?
Hardcore on the Floor is put together by a personal trainer, Nicole.
Can I do Hardcore on the Floor and Power Zone Training?
Yes – there’s even a recommended schedule each month on how to do both!
How Much Does it Cost?
Everything with Hardcore on the Floor is completely free! From time to time there will be posts on how to donate to Nicole for coordinating everything and all the hard work she puts into the calendar.
When and Where Are the Monthly Calendars Posted?
The monthly calendars are posted in the Facebook group usually on the first of the month.
The calendars are posted both in the Facebook group and daily workouts are shared on their Instagram account.
What Level is Hardcore on the Floor for?
I would recommend the calendar for all levels because there are modifications available.
If you’re just starting out, I would recommend either trying out a few days of the calendar or trying a handful of the classes for a day.
Related Post: Beginner’s Guide to Peloton
Why are the Classes So Short?
One thing I did notice when I first started was that the classes were usually maxed 20 minutes. At first, I was confused – why stack 2 20 minute classes? Shouldn’t I just do a 45-minute strength instead?
But then I learned that usually in the 20-minute classes there’s less rest time and it ended up making the workouts harder since I’d be getting in more reps and time.
Are there Rest Days?
Yes, there are rest days and active recovery days built into the schedule. Rest days usually are a suggested walk or yoga class.
Do You Need to Wait for a New Month to Start?
The best part about the Hardcore calendar is that you can jump in at any time! You can start midweek even and don’t need to wait for a new month to join in.