Are Protein Shakes Good for Runners? Here’s What You Need to Know

When we run, our muscles work overtime, and this exertion leads to tiny micro-tears in the muscle tissues. I know it sounds scary, but it’s a good thing and a natural part of exercise. When these micro-tears heal, they strengthen our muscles, allowing us to run further and faster without fatigue.

And guess who’s our main ally in this repair process? 

That’s right, it’s protein.

 Consuming protein after a run aids in speedy muscle recovery. It’s like sending in a construction team to repair a road as soon as it’s got some cracks, ensuring it’s in top shape for the next round of heavy traffic (or, in our case, the next long run).

Moreover, protein is not just about repair. It also helps in building muscle strength. As we run more and more, our bodies adapt to the intensity of the exercise. Our muscles become stronger and more efficient, improving our performance over time.

Protein is essential in this muscle-building process, acting as the building blocks for muscle tissue.

Simply put, protein is your best friend in enhancing recovery, building strength, and, ultimately, improving your running performance. And while there are many ways to get this vital nutrient, protein shakes could offer a quick and easy solution, especially for us who are constantly on the move (literally and figuratively!).

woman drinking a protein shake

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Protein Shakes: A Runner’s Secret Weapon?

Okay, so we’ve established that protein is a non-negotiable part of a runner’s diet. But why protein shakes? Why not just chow down on a chicken breast or scramble up some eggs?

Well, let’s talk about the reasons why protein shakes and supplements could be an absolute game-changer for runners.

Convenience and Quick Absorption

With work, family, errands, and somehow squeezing in our training runs, time is precious. Protein shakes are quick and convenient and just mix with water (or coffee, in my case), and voila – you have a protein-packed snack.

What’s more, these shakes often contain whey protein, which is a “fast” protein. This means it’s quickly absorbed by your body, making it an excellent choice to kickstart that recovery process soon after a run.

Easier to Digest

After a long run, your stomach might not be ready for a big meal. Protein shakes are a fantastic alternative, providing necessary nutrients while being light on your stomach. It’s easy to grab a protein shake after running and get in all your nutritional needs.

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Precision Nutrition

With a protein shake, you know exactly what you’re getting, and it takes the guesswork out of your protein intake. You can easily track your macro-nutrients, ensuring you’re hitting your protein goals without overshooting your daily calorie budget.


Protein shakes are incredibly versatile. You can have them on their own or blend them into a delicious smoothie with fruits, veggies, or even a scoop of your favorite nut butter. It’s a great way to add some creativity to your nutrition plan without skimping on the essentials.

Supports Muscle Recovery and Growth

This one is the biggie. As we’ve discussed, protein supports muscle recovery and growth. Having a protein shake post-run ensures you’re giving your body what it needs to repair those micro-tears, build strength, and prep for your next run.

So, while yes, you can absolutely get your protein from whole foods, protein shakes offer a handy, efficient, and effective alternative, particularly for us busy runners.

How I Use Protein in My Routine

Need some ideas on how to get in protein? Here’s how I get protein in daily

Morning Power-Up

In the morning, I’m up with my kids and getting everyone off to school, and getting ready for work. I start the day with something like avocado toast and water. The real protein kick comes in a little later in the morning after dropping my kids off, and this is where my beloved 1st Phorm Level-1 caramel latte protein shake comes in.

I add a scoop to my morning coffee, transforming it into a protein-packed drink. It’s breakfast and coffee all in one, with a whopping 24 grams of protein to help keep me full all morning. Not to mention, the caramel latte flavor makes it feel like a treat!

pouring level 1 protein powder into a coffee cup

Lunch Hour Recharge

Lunch varies, but I always try to include a solid source of protein. This could be a chicken salad, a quinoa and bean bowl, or a burrito bowl. It’s not a shake, but it’s still crucial to maintain a steady protein intake throughout the day to support muscle recovery and overall health.

Post-Workout Wonder

 On the days when I do a tough run or heavy lifting, I reach for the 1st Phorm Phormula 1 Mint Chocolate Cookie protein shake. It’s fast-digesting, which means my body can quickly absorb the protein and start repairing my muscles.

Plus, it tastes like a dessert, which I consider a well-deserved reward!

Want protein in the form of dessert? Make sure to try my Ninja Creami protein ice cream recipe!

Dinner & Beyond

Dinner is another opportunity for a protein-rich meal. This could be grilled fish, a lean ground turkey, or a veggie stir-fry with tofu. If I’m feeling a little picky later in the evening, I might snack on Greek yogurt or a handful of nuts, both great protein sources.

That’s a typical day in my protein-filled life. It’s a balance of whole foods and protein shakes, providing the fuel I need to keep up with my running goals and everyday responsibilities. Remember, everyone’s needs and preferences are different, so what works for me might not work for you.

The key is to listen to your body and find the routine that best supports your goals, lifestyle, and taste buds!

Do You NEED Protein Shakes as a Runner?

Let’s get into the meat and potatoes (or should I say whey and casein?) of the matter. As a runner, do you need protein shakes? Here, we’ll look at why runners might benefit from protein shakes, the specific advantages they offer to us fleet-footed folks, and how much protein we should be aiming for.

Why Runners Need Protein Shakes

Running is a high-intensity activity that places a lot of demands on our bodies. As mentioned earlier, our muscles work hard during a run, leading to micro-tears. And guess what? Protein is crucial for repairing these tears and promoting muscle recovery.

While it’s possible to get this necessary protein from whole foods, protein shakes offer a convenient, quick-absorbing source of this essential nutrient. Protein shakes can be a practical solution for runners with packed schedules or those who find eating a meal post-run difficult.

Benefits of Protein Shakes Specifically for Runners

Apart from their convenience and quick absorption rate, protein shakes offer some unique benefits to runners:

  1. Muscle Recovery: Protein shakes consumed post-run can help accelerate muscle recovery, which means less downtime and more efficient training.
  2. Prevent Muscle Breakdown: Consuming protein shakes can help prevent muscle breakdown, especially during long-distance runs.
  3. Weight Management: Protein shakes can help keep you satiated, which can aid in maintaining a healthy weight – crucial for runners who want to optimize their performance.
  4. Enhanced Performance: Over time, the improved muscle recovery and growth that protein shakes contribute to can lead to enhanced running performance.

How Much Protein Should a Runner Have?

The amount of protein a runner needs depends on several factors, including your weight, the intensity of your workouts, and your overall health and lifestyle.

As a general rule of thumb, endurance athletes like us should aim for approximately 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. So, for a 150-pound (68 kg) runner, that would mean aiming for about 82 to 136 grams of protein per day.

Remember, this protein should come from a mix of sources – whole foods and if it suits your lifestyle and preferences, protein shakes.

In conclusion, while you don’t necessarily need protein shakes to be a successful runner, they can certainly offer an effective, convenient way to meet your protein needs and support your running performance. As with all things nutrition, it’s about finding what works for you and your body.

Choosing the Right Protein Shake

So, you’re convinced that a protein shake could be a valuable addition to your running routine. The next step? Choosing the right one. This can seem daunting with the amount of options on the market. But don’t worry, I’ve got some pointers to help you make an informed choice.

What to Consider When Choosing a Protein Shake

Protein Source 

This is crucial. The protein in your shake could be derived from several sources, including whey, casein, soy, or plant proteins like pea protein and brown rice protein. Each has its pros and cons.

For example, whey is quickly absorbed, making it ideal for post-workout recovery, while casein is slowly digested, making it great for prolonged muscle repair.

Other Ingredients

Check for added sugars and artificial ingredients. Some protein shakes can be loaded with unnecessary fillers and sweeteners. Aim for a shake with minimal, natural ingredients. I also look for protein powders that are high in protein but low in carbs and fat. 


This is a big one. If you don’t like the taste, chances are you won’t stick with it. Fortunately, there’s a world of flavors out there, from classic chocolate to more adventurous options like my favorites from 1st Phorm.

Nutritional Needs

Consider your specific dietary and nutritional needs. Some protein powders come with added vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients like fiber.


Protein powders can range dramatically in price. Consider what fits within your budget while still meeting your needs.

scooping level 1 out of the container

My Favorite Protein Shakes

I’ve tried my fair share of protein shakes over the years, and my favorites come from 1st Phorm. They tick all the boxes – great taste, quality ingredients, and they align with my specific nutritional needs as a long-distance runner.

Everyday Protein Needs

I love the 1st Phorm Level-1 protein powder in caramel latte flavor for my daily protein needs. It’s made with low-temperature processed whey protein, which is easier on the stomach and ensures maximum nutrient absorption. It also has a delicious taste and smooth texture, which I enjoy every morning in my coffee.

If you’re on a plant based diet, 1st Phorm also does offer plant based protein options as well. 

Our Pick
  • Level-1 is a high-quality protein supplement that delivers sustained assimilation of premium proteins, helping to prevent muscle breakdown and promote muscle repair and growth.
  • It is made with the Level-1 Matrix, a blend of low-temperature processed whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, and milk protein concentrate, which ensures bioavailability and preservation of protein fractions.
  • Level-1 also contains naturally occurring branch chain amino acids and glutamine, which are essential for muscle tissue repair and growth, and it tastes delicious.

Post-Intense Workouts

After particularly grueling workouts, I reach for the 1st Phorm Phormula-1 in Mint Chocolate Cookie flavor. This one is a fast-absorbing whey protein isolate, perfect for kickstarting recovery after a long run or intense workout session. Phormula-1 also has the essential amino acids I need to make sure I get a full recovery.  Plus it tastes just like a Girl Scout cookie so super easy to drink!

Ultimately, the right protein shake for you is one that meets your specific needs and preferences. It might take some trial and error, but finding the perfect fit is worth it!

Our Pick
  • Phormula-1 is a whey protein isolate that is of high quality and low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for those on a low-carb diet or those preparing for an event.
  • It is formulated to be easily digested and has rapid assimilation qualities, which makes it an ideal pre and post-workout supplement for muscle repair and growth.
  • Phormula-1 uses only the highest quality whey protein fractions and is designed for rapid assimilation, making it the best-tasting and best-mixing whey protein isolate on the market.

Final Thoughts

And there we have it, my running friends – a whirl around the track of protein shakes for runners. We’ve dug into why protein is a crucial component of a runner’s diet, helping to repair those hard-working muscles and build strength for better performance. We’ve explored why protein shakes might be a runner’s secret weapon, offering convenience, fast absorption, and specific benefits for our training and recovery.

We’ve also chatted about how to choose the right protein shake, keeping in mind factors like protein source, other ingredients, taste, your unique nutritional needs, and price. If you want a high-quality protein powder to add to your routine, check out 1st Phorm’s Level 1 and Phormula 1 proteins.

While protein shakes can be a fantastic addition to a runner’s nutrition plan, they’re not a one-size-fits-all solution. Everyone’s body, lifestyle, and preferences are unique; the key is finding what works best for you.


  • Ali Van Straten

    Ali Van Straten is the founder and journalist of Champagne and Coffee Stains. She is a Peloton expert, certified running coach and certified nutrition coach. Champagne and Coffee Stains provides information and resources on Peloton Interactive, running and recipes.

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